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Reliable Quality,
Global Accessibility
​By partnering with premier distribution networks and global governments, we ensure reliable and efficient delivery to over 100 countries, supporting leading companies in their mission to provide top-tier diagnostic solutions.
30+ Years Experience
We are proud to work with over 100 countries, worldwide from our headquarters in Anaheim, California.
Quality Assurance
CE & FDA Registered, cGMP Compliant, Manufacturer ISO 13485.2016 Certified, SA80000 Certified, CE
Strategy Team
Partner with our business strategy team and together we'll chart and set a plan of action, test the waters, and innovate together.
Uncut Sheets
Uncut Sheets
URS Strips
Urinalysis Test Strips
Alcohol Test Strips
Alcohol Test Pouch
Uncut Sheets
Uncut Sheets
Get in Touch
Schedule a call with us for more information, we'll be happy to answer your questions.
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